How do you pray?

I've often struggled with prayer - at least the kind of prayer that consists of talking to something that I can't see. Add to that this crazy idea that something is listening to me and I can ask for things?? I don't know about that... Sounds pretty weird, right? I've preferred to engage with that which is greater than … Continue reading How do you pray?

Are we just a bunch of people talking about social action who simply happen to be people of faith?

The emerging leaders session derailed a bit into of that intellectualism I mentioned before (believe me, I'm not an anti-intellectualist, I just think there's more to wisdom than the knowledge in our heads). After a well-intentioned but frustrating second session, I found myself in discussion with two other young people about why this had happened. … Continue reading Are we just a bunch of people talking about social action who simply happen to be people of faith?

Could this Parliament of World Religions be the tipping point for shifting the consciousness of humanity?

I'm not sure what transpired at the previous Parliaments, but from the descriptions on the website (, it appears that social justice has become a greater and greater focus over the last 22 years (during this time, four Parliaments have been held before this one). Sure, you've got your information sessions, performances, demonstrations, etc. but all of … Continue reading Could this Parliament of World Religions be the tipping point for shifting the consciousness of humanity?


I just watched this video on a non-politician running to be Mayor of San Francisco. It seems crazy: why would someone who doesn't even think he'll win, or maybe even want to win, run for political office? If you run for office, your goal is to win, right? That would be success, right? Well, I'm not so sure. As Stuart … Continue reading Goals